Home Bazaar Platform Feeder Selection

Home Bazaar Platform Feeder Selection

Excellent quality. I had seen an Oriole and within a couple of hours the bird was on the feeder eating grape jelly!

I have developed a strong preference for "fly through" bird feeders. I have been using them for several years because they protect the seed from rainy weather. A side benefit is that our relatively frequent bear visitors find it easier to steal bird seed from these feeders without destroying the feeders. Another plus is the metal mesh bottom that makes cleaning easier. I could not find "fly through" feeders in my city and even in a "birding" store 70 miles away. Luckily, I found these feeders on line after a bit of searching. They were exactly what I wanted, the price was reasonable, and the shipping was prompt. I purchased 4 to replace 2 damaged feeders and to have 2 in reserve.

The birds love it and I love watching the birds

This acrylic birdfeeder cover performs exactly as described and is a nice complement to the window mounted platform feeder.

These are perfect covers for my hanging platform feeders. They keep the seed dry while allowing easy access to fill them and allow me to see the birds while they are eating.

The cover for the window platform has worked perfectly even during our historic Colorado bomb cyclone event a few weeks ago! The winds were horrific and the blizzard intense, but the cover held up well.

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  • Five Inexpensive Ways To Squirrel Proof Your Bird Feeder - Squirrels can be a frustrating menace to any bird enthusiast by stealing food. Here are a few tips to squirrel-proof your birdfeeder.
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