Bird's Choice Bird Bath Fountain Collection

Bird's Choice Bird Bath Fountain Collection

My birds love this dripper! They love the motion of the dripping water on the surface and I have many more visitors when the water is dripping, versus when the bird bath is full, but no additional water is going in. I have an extra water collection dish under the primary bird bath to catch overflow water. The chipmunks enjoy this fresh supply of water as a way of washing down the bird seed they collect on the ground that has fallen from the hanging seed feeders. Nothing goes to waste and everyone is super happy.

This dripper for my shallow birdbath is great. Controlling the drip volume is really important as I don't want to drown my irises around the birdbath,it doesn't splash either. Very pleased and will probably get another for my other birdbath.

Exactly as advertised. Works perfectly. Very easy to install.

The first small fountain I've purchased that's still going! It's beautiful and the pump is superior. The artistry is lovely. I'm very happy with this purchase.

This is a great product! I purchased two, one as a replacement for my yard as well as another for a home bound elderly person. The dripper keeps the water clean and cool. Birds love it and the birdbath is always full. My elderly friend is entertained daily by the variety of birds that visit her yard.

  • Guide to Birdbaths - A birdbath is the best way to attract the widest array of species to your yard. Here's everything you need to know about the decorative water sources for birds.
  • How To Clean A Birdbath - Make your birdbath clean and tidy. Birds have standards, too!
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